Sunday, September 13, 2015

That We Might “Not … Shrink” (D&C 19:18) - David A. Bednar

Click here for the written version.

One of the most amazing talks I've heard so far. Every time I find one like this, I am filled with gratitude to my Heavenly Father for loving me enough to sacrifice His own Son so that I could have joy in my life, even in the midst of my own temporary trials, through this gospel. I can't imagine my life without it. Mortal life is supposed to be a hard thing and it was never meant to be gone through alone or without divine assistance. The hand of the Savior is always being extended to His children if they will but have faith that He does have the power to heal them, should that be what he sees fit. One of the greatest tests of this life is to trust that the Lord knows us better than we know ourselves, and in learning to do that, that is where we can find lasting peace amidst the storms that will inevitably come to each of us.

How Can I Become the Woman in Whom I Dream? - Gordon B. Hinckley

Click here for the written version.

One of my very favorite talks that gives me so much hope every time that I read it. "Look to the positive. Know that He is watching over you, that He hears your prayers and will answer them, that He loves you and will make that love manifest. Let the Holy Spirit guide you in all that you do as you look to become the kind of woman of whom you dream. You can do it. You will have friends and loved ones to help. And God will bless you as you pursue your course."