Tuesday, March 15, 2016

In the Strength of the Lord - Henry B. Eyring

Watch it here:

Read it here:

Below I have copy and pasted the two selections of this talk that impressed me the most.

"'We are so glad to see her. She brings such a spirit with her.'
She partakes of the sacrament, and she renews a covenant. She remembers the Savior, and she tries to keep His commandments. And so she takes His Spirit with her, always. Her problems may not be resolved. Most of them come from the choices of others, and even the Heavenly Father who hears her prayers and loves her cannot force others to choose the right. But He can send her to the safety of the Savior and the promise of His Spirit to be with her. And so I am sure that she will, in the strength of the Lord, pass the test she faces, because she keeps the commandment to gather often with the Saints. That is both the evidence that she is enduring well and the source of her strength for what lies ahead. What looked hard, almost impossible under her own power, became a joy in the strength of the Lord."

"In the Master’s service, you will come to know and love Him. You will, if you persevere in prayer and faithful service, begin to sense that the Holy Ghost has become a companion. Many of us have for a period given such service and felt that companionship. If you think back on that time, you will remember that there were changes in you. The temptation to do evil seemed to lessen. The desire to do good increased. Those who knew you best and loved you may have said, 'You have become more kind, more patient. You don’t seem to be the same person.'

You weren’t the same person because the Atonement of Jesus Christ is real. And the promise is real that we can become new, changed, and better. And we can become stronger for the tests of life. We then go in the strength of the Lord, a strength developed in His service. He goes with us. And in time we become His tested and strengthened disciples."

I am so grateful to know who I am as a daughter of God and to know what I deserve because of that. I'm grateful for the strength to walk away from the things that are not in accordance with this identity and to pursue the things that are. The thing I am most grateful for in the world is the enabling power of the Atonement to be able to change and just become better and better and better. I think it is the most beautiful part of the gospel that something can change our very natures and make us more and more like the Savior. Yes, there are trials and bad in the world, but there are also sources of comfort and refuge and we are not alone because we have the Savior. I love Him.

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